Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Now they want to make Beethoven black

We're living in our very own version of 1984. Instead of rewriting history to no end in order to make us believe there were always at war with Eastasia, and always at peace with Oceania, and then rewriting history once again because we were always at war with Oceania and at peace with Eastasia, we have SJWs blackwashing the entire history.

Given enough time, every single man of renown through history will be declared to have been black.

This time, its Ludwig van Beethoven. This year marks 250th anniversary of Beethoven's birth. He is believed to be born on the 16th, and was baptized on the 17th of December 1770.

To this day, he is considered as one of the greatest composers in human history. The last movement of his 9th Symphony, known as the Ode to Joy became the anthem of European Union. That part might be a blemish on the man's name, but they certainly did not consult with him about it.

Instead of honouring the memory of Beethoven with the music he gave us, the Centre for Fine Arts in Brussels decided to start their own little jihad against historical accuracy.

Ludwig van Beethoven’s 250th birthday passed on Thursday, and the Centre for Fine Arts in Brussels celebrated the iconic composer’s in truly modern fashion: by exhibiting artist Terry Adkins’ 2004 work ‘Synapse’ – a video depicting Beethoven’s frumpy visage morphing into that of a young black man with dreadlocks.

The video is part of Adkins’ ‘Black Beethoven’ series, and the transformation is supposed to reflect the artist’s “unwillingness to settle the debate on Beethoven’s race.”

The artist can shove it up his ass.

I have problems with changing the race of the fictional characters, when they adapt the book for a film or a TV series. I have problems when they decide to race swap actual historical person for the purposes of the new TV show. But this takes the cake, this is historical revisionism taking place before our very own eyes.

What's next? Mozart was a woman? Nikola Tesla Indian? Maybe Einstein was a trans?

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