Sunday, December 6, 2020

Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men? The Shadow knows ...


I always liked playing around in various character creation screens in videogames. Making my character just right, just the way I want it.

Since I've discovered HeroForge, I've been toying around creating various characters from my tabletop games, books, and other media. The tool was primarily designed for people who want to have a 3D print of their own characters in their tabletop roleplaying games like Dungeons & Dragons. Since then they added a number of features allowing the creation of all sorts of characters.

Here's my take on The Shadow. The man, the myth, the pulp legend himself. Or as Razörfist would describe him: 

"Retribution personified, vengeance made flesh, the prince of the pulps, sire of the superheroes, receptacle of more pale imitation than a Michael Jackson's impersonators convention. By whatever name, employing whatever descriptor the inimitable Shadow has weathered nearly a full century of fiscal fiscal turpetudes, publisher buyouts, plagiarism and licensing SNAFUs. He survived the death of radio, he weatherd the comic book crash. He persists in the age of piracy, and above it all, he continues to have relevant stories to tell and adventures to imbibe in all the way into 2016."


"The weed of crime bears bitter fruit. Crime does not pay...The Shadow knows!"

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