Monday, May 3, 2021

Heroforge: The Hammer of Freedom

The Hammer of Freedom — Every record has been destroyed or falsified. Every book has been rewritten. Every picture has been repainted. History has stopped. Nothing exists except the endless present and there is nothing that stands against the end of history and the enslavement of Man. Except The Hammer of Freedom!

Ever since I read the first two episodes of Hammer of Freedom last week, I'm looking forward to the next episode. And while that is the case with great majority of the title at Arktoons, Luciano Cunha's Hammer of Freedom is a bit special.

It's blunt, it's shocking, and it works. That made me want to recreate the protagonist from The Hammer of Freedom, and here is the result.

You can find the link to the model here.


  1. My friend, thank you very much for your support. I saw your material on Hero Forge and I thought, very wrongly, that you were trying to appropriate my creation. I'm sorry for this. I want to know if we can exchange e-mails to make the 3D miniature here in Brazil. My email is:

    1. No problem. It's an honor. I love your work. Just sent you an email.
